How to move/migrate/convert K2 items to Joomla Articles?

How to move/migrate/convert K2 items to Joomla Articles?

- August 20, 2021

Step 1. Migrate K2 categories to Joomla

Access phpMyAdmin and go to SQL Query box of the respective database

Enter the following queries in the query box and click Go

  INSERT INTO `yourDBname`.`prefix_categories` (title, alias, parent_id, published, access, extension) SELECT name, alias, parent, published, access, ‘com_content’, FROM `prefix_k2_categories`

Joomla Database Settings in Global Configuration

Step 2. Migrate K2 items to Joomla

Enter the following queries into the query box and click Go

	INSERT INTO `yourDBname`.`prefix_content` (`id`, `title`, `alias`, `catid`, `introtext`, `fulltext`, `created`, `created_by`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `access`) SELECT `id`, `title`, `alias`, `catid`, `introtext`, `fulltext`, `created`, `created_by`, `publish_up`, `publish_down`, `access` FROM `yourDBname`.`prefix_k2_items`

That's it! You can login to your site's Control Panel and verify that all K2 categories and items were migrated to Joomla categories and articles successfully.